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Welcome to the Serial Pi Zero and Serial Pi Plus Forum, the dedicated space for discussing and troubleshooting the Serial Pi boards from AB Electronics UK.

Whether you’re working on serial communication projects, configuring your boards, or addressing any issues, this forum provides a collaborative environment for sharing insights and solutions.

Serial Pi Plus not working

Posted in Serial Pi Zero and Serial Pi Plus, last reply 19/01/2019

Replies: 5

Docs regarding Serial Pi (Ver 1.0)

Posted in Serial Pi Zero and Serial Pi Plus, last reply 08/12/2018

Replies: 2

Windows IoT + Pi3

Posted in Serial Pi Zero and Serial Pi Plus, last reply 08/02/2017

Replies: 4

Pi Zero woes

Posted in Serial Pi Zero and Serial Pi Plus, last reply 18/07/2016

Replies: 6

Use 2 Serial Pi on 1 Raspberry

Posted in Serial Pi Zero and Serial Pi Plus, last reply 10/06/2016

Replies: 1

Serial pi plus installation under Jessie

Posted in Serial Pi Zero and Serial Pi Plus, last reply 24/11/2015

Replies: 1







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