Connecting 1-Wire Devices to IO Pi Plus
The IO Pi Plus is a 32 channel MCP23017 GPIO expander for the Raspberry Pi
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The IO Pi Plus would not be suitable for connecting 1-wire devices as the switching speed of the IO channels is too slow for 1-wire communication.
We do have a 1-Wire Pi Plus and 1-Wire Pi Zero board that is designed for connecting 1-Wire devices to the Raspberry Pi but I am not sure if they will work with Windows 10 IOT as we have only tested them on Linux. After a quick google search, I did find a .Net library for connecting to the DS2482-100 used on our two 1-Wire boards but as I have not tested it I don't know whether it will do what you need.
We do only supply the IO Pi Plus in kit form but for it to work correctly you only need to solder the first six pins and the last two on the 40-pin header as shown in the photo below.

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