CLI reading
The IO Pi Plus is a 32 channel MCP23017 GPIO expander for the Raspberry Pi
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I've got 2 x IOPI's which I've bought to test, with a view to using more of them (and probably the plus versions) in a smart home setup later down the line.
At this stage all I'm doing is taking some of the different input pins high/low and checking that I can deal with that at the software end. I've enabled the pull up resistors and I've got momentary pushbuttons which pull the IOPI inputs to ground. So I've also enabled the invert so I get a 1 for pushed button and 0 for unpushed.
When I use the example Python script to read each pin and display the output, everything is working absolutely fine (so I believe there's no hardware issues).
When I use the CLI iopi utility which I've compiled on the Raspberyy Pi, everything seems OK when I read each pin individually.
But it's not quite working as expected when I try and read the port and use '-b' to get the output in binary.
It struck me that it's probably my understanding of how it works that's wrong!
This is what I think: The IOPI has got two ports, each with 8 inputs. I can read ports 1-8 using 'iopi -a 0x20 -p 0 -r -b' and this will give me a binary output representing the state of the first 8 pins. If I repeat with '-p 1' this will give me the same for pins 9-16.
Have I understood that right? Please confirm either way and then I'll respond with my problem if I still think there is one!
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I've spent a bit more time on it so I've got a clear set of repeatable steps and here they are.
I've got the IOPI plugged into a Pi Zero and I have absolutely nothing connected to the IOPI.
I run the script from your examples and I can see that all the pins 1-16 are set high (because the pullups are enabled). I can move a jumper connected to ground along the pins, and I can see each switching to low as I do. This is behaving exactly as I expect it to do.
Moving onto the CLI utility, with absolutely nothing plugged into the IOPI this is the output I'm getting:
pi@raspberrypi:~/iopi/cli/ABElectronics_CLI/iopi_c $ ./iopi -a 0x20 -p 0 -r -b
pi@raspberrypi:~/iopi/cli/ABElectronics_CLI/iopi_c $ ./iopi -a 0x20 -p 1 -r -b
So, again, everything working as it should.
I then connect pin 1 to ground and:
pi@raspberrypi:~/iopi/cli/ABElectronics_CLI/iopi_c $ ./iopi -a 0x20 -p 0 -r -b
pi@raspberrypi:~/iopi/cli/ABElectronics_CLI/iopi_c $ ./iopi -a 0x20 -p 1 -r -b
So that's doing exactly what I expect as well. And if I disconnect pin 1 from ground, it reverts to the correct expected output of 0x11111111.
Here's where it goes funny (or where I've messed it up). I now run these two commands to enable the invert so I can ultimately get a 1 when the pin is grounded and a 0 when not:
pi@raspberrypi:~/iopi/cli/ABElectronics_CLI/iopi_c $ ./iopi -a 0x20 -p 0 -i 1
pi@raspberrypi:~/iopi/cli/ABElectronics_CLI/iopi_c $ ./iopi -a 0x20 -p 1 -i 1
I now read both ports with nothing connected:
pi@raspberrypi:~/iopi/cli/ABElectronics_CLI/iopi_c $ ./iopi -a 0x20 -p 0 -r -b
pi@raspberrypi:~/iopi/cli/ABElectronics_CLI/iopi_c $ ./iopi -a 0x20 -p 0 -r -b
For me both commands should be giving me 0x00000000 but they aren't.
After a bit of tinkering around I realised that if I connect pin 1 to ground and repeat:
pi@raspberrypi:~/iopi/cli/ABElectronics_CLI/iopi_c $ ./iopi -a 0x20 -p 0 -r -b
So to cut a long story short, it seems to me that when I'm asking the CLI to invert the port (ie invert all the pins on the port), it's only inverting the first pin.
Hope that makes sense, sorry for the long winded post.
Is it me that's using it wrong?
Thank you.
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What you will need to do is set a value of 255 or 0xFF to set all of the pins as inverted. Try running the following commands and see if it works correctly.
./iopi -a 0x20 -p 0 -i 0xFF
./iopi -a 0x20 -p 1 -i 0xFF
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What would be the "best" way to do that, should I be using interrupts or would it be perfectly fine to just continually read in the state of the pins in batches of 8 looking for a change?
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If you want your program to be event-driven, reacting to button presses when they occur, you could connect the interrupt IA and IB pins on the IO Pi to the GPIO header via a voltage divider to drop the 5V down to 3.3 and then use the interrupt hardware built into the GPIO pins. That way an interrupt event on the IO Pi would trigger the interrupt on the GPIO header, calling a function to check each IO Pi and see what button was pressed.
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