Missing Makefile
The ADC-DAC Pi Zero is a 2 Channel ADC and 2 Channel DAC for the Raspberry Pi
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Thank you, -TQ
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At the moment we do not have a make file for building a .so library.
The easiest way to use the ADC DAC Pi library in your project is to copy the ADCDACPi/ABE_ADCDACPi.cpp and ADCDACPi/ABE_ADCDACPi.h into your project folder and add the following code to the top of your program.
#include "ABE_ADCDACPi.h"
using namespace ABElectronics_CPP_Libraries;
When you compile your program include the ABE_ADCDACPi.cpp file in your list of code files. For example with our demo-adcread program you would compile it using g++ with the following command:
g++ demo-adcread.cpp ABE_ADCDACPi.cpp -o demo-adcread
I will look at making our C++ library into a shared library with a makefile.
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