Pi 3B+ not detecting ADC Pi
The ADC Pi is an Analogue to Digital converter for the Raspberry Pi
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I have just recieved and installed an ADC Pi board in mt Raspberry Pi3b+. The problem I'm having is using the i2cdetect -y 1 command the ADC Pi does not show up, A Servo Pi board installed in the Raspberry Pi does however show up at address 0x40. I have removed the ADC Pi board and double checked the solder joints using a magnifing glass and all looks good, no dry joints and no solder bridges. I have also shorted the 5 volt and ground connections using a resistor and reinstalled the board with no change. Initially I had the address of the ADC Pi jumpered to 0x68 and 0x69. I have also removed the board and rejumpered the address to 0x6A and 0x6B, again shorted the 5 volt to ground and reinstalled the board with no resolution of the problem. I then repeted the rejumpering process using address 0x6C and 0x6D again with no joy.
Any suggestions?
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You have tried all of the steps we normally recommend to get an ADC Pi working so it looks like you have received a faulty board. I will send you a replacement tomorrow. Would you like us to send it to the same address as your previous order?
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Thank you for your reply. Same address would be perfect. Do you want the old board back?
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I have posted a replacement ADC Pi, hopefully, it should be with you in a couple of days. You do not need to return the old board.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
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