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IO Zero 32 vs IO Pi Plus

The IO Pi Plus is a 32 channel MCP23017 GPIO expander for the Raspberry Pi


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nicusor.stoica Avatar

What is the difference between the IO Zero 32 and IO Pi Plus ; Can they both control relay boards ?


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andrew Avatar

The IO Zero 32 is based around the PCA9535 IO controller from NXP while the IO Pi Plus is based on the MCP23017 from Microchip. The main difference, apart from the size of the boards is the IO Pi Plus has a few extra features like internal pull-up resistors and more advanced interrupts.

Both boards can be used to control relays boards. If you are using a ready made relay board with built in relay drivers you should be able to connect the IO Pi Plus or Zero 32 directly to the relay board. If you want to use individual relays you will need to use a transistor or driver chip as the outputs cannot supply enough current to drive a relay directly.


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nicusor.stoica Avatar

I'm using these boards forum image with IO Pi Plus so there should be no problem running them on IO Zero 32 ;

We've ordered 14 of them and I forgot to ask you first if they can do the same thing.

Thank you !

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