Togeter use of Raspberry PI 3B, IO PI PLUS and RFM69Pi receiver
The IO Pi Plus is a 32 channel MCP23017 GPIO expander for the Raspberry Pi
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I am new here, and i want to buy and begin to work with an Raspberry PI 3B.
But before i wil do this, i want to know this:
Is it possible to plug and use an RFM69Pi receiver to the connectors of the IO PI PLUS Modul?
(Of course, when the IO PI PLUS module ist pluged and configured to the GPIO of the Raspberry) :-)
Thanks, Alfred
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There shouldn't be any problems with plugging the RFM69Pi receiver onto the GPIO header on the IO Pi Plus.
The RFM69Pi receiver uses the UART pins for communication while the IO Pi Plus uses the I2C pins so both boards should work together on the same Raspberry Pi without any issues.
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