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ODroid C2 Ubuntu I2C Setup
How to set up I2C communication on the Odroid C2 using i2c tools.
How to set up I2C support on an ODROID-C2 from Hardkernel running Ubuntu 20.04. All commands are entered in a terminal window or via SSH.
Step 1: You need to update your Odroid C2 to ensure all the latest packages are installed:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Step 2: Next, reboot the Odroid C2:
sudo reboot
Step 3: Once you have logged into your Odroid C2 from the command line, run the following command to install python-smbus and i2c-tools:
sudo apt-get install python3-smbus i2c-tools
Step 4: Set the Odroid C2 to load the i2c driver:
modprobe aml_i2c
Step 5: Set the Odroid C2 to start I2C automatically at boot by editing /etc/modules :
sudo nano /etc/modules
Use your cursor keys to move to the last line and add the following:
Save your changes and exit the nano editor.
Step 6: To avoid having to run the I2C tools at root, add the ‘odroid’ user to the I2C group:
sudo adduser odroid i2c
Step 7: Next, reboot the Odroid C2:
sudo reboot
When your Odroid C2 has rebooted, you will now have I2C support.
You can check for connected I2C devices with the following command:
i2cdetect -y -r 1