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RTC Pi C Library

RTC Pi C Library Installation and Usage

Created 29/07/2024 | Last Updated: 30/07/2024

C Library to use with RTC Pi Raspberry Pi development board.

The example C programs can be found in /ABElectronics_C_Libraries/RTCPi/demos

Downloading and Installing the library

To download to your Raspberry Pi type in the terminal:

git clone


rtc_set_date(struct tm date)

Set the date on the RTC
Parameter: (struct tm) date - struct tm formatted date and time
Returns: null


Read the date from the RTC.
Returns: (struct tm) date as a tm struct


Enable the squarewave output pin
Returns: null


Disable the squarewave output pin
Returns: null

rtc_set_frequency(uint8_t frequency)

Set the square wave output frequency
Parameter: (uint8_t) frequency - 1 = 1Hz, 2 = 4.096KHz, 3 = 8.192KHz, 4 = 32.768KHz
Returns: null

rtc_write_memory(uint8_t address, uint8_t valuearray[])

Write to the memory on the ds1307.
The DS1307 contains a 56-byte, battery-backed RAM with unlimited writes.
Parameter: (uint8_t) address - 0x08 to 0x3F
Parameter: (uint8_t[]) valuearray - byte array containing data to be written to memory
Returns: null

rtc_read_memory(uint8_t address, uint8_t length)

Read from the memory on the ds1307
The DS1307 contains a 56-byte, battery-backed RAM with unlimited writes.
Parameter: (uint8_t) address - 0x08 to 0x3F
Parameter: (uint8_t) length - up to 32 bytes. length can not exceed the available address space.
Returns: (uint8_t *) pointer to a byte array where the data will be saved