Node.js Library to use with Servo Pi Raspberry PWM servo control board.
Note: Version 2.0 replaces the ServoPi class with the PWM class. The new Servo class is a helper for using the Servo Pi with analogue radio control servos.
To download to your Raspberry Pi type in the terminal:
git clone
The Servo Pi library is located in the /lib/servopi/ directory
The example files are located in the /examples/servopi/ directory
The Servo Pi library requires the rpio and i2c-bus libraries to run.
Install rpio from npm package repository rpio with
npm install rpio
Install i2c-bus from npm package repository i2c-bus with
npm install i2c-bus
PWM Class
The PWM class contains the functions needed to control the frequency, pulse duration and other features of the PCA9685 PMW controller used on the Servo Pi.
Parameter: address - 0x40 to 0x7F. I2C address for the target device
PWM Functions
setPWMFrequency(freq, calibration)
Set the PWM frequency
Parameter: freq - Frequency between 40 and 1000
Parameter: calibration - Oscillator calibration offset. Use this to adjust for oscillator drift. Value is normally between -10 and 10
Returns: null
setPWM(channel, on, off)
Set the output on single channels
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16,
Parameter: on - 0 to 4095
Parameter: off - 0 to 4095
Returns: null
setPWMOnTime(channel, on)
Set the on time on a single channel
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16,
Parameter: on - 0 to 4095
Returns: null
setPWMOffTime(channel, off)
Set the off time on a single channel
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16,
Parameter: off - 0 to 4095
Returns: null
Get the off time on a single channel
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16,
Returns: 0 to 4095
getPWMOnTime(channel, off)
Get the on time on a single channel
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16,
Returns: 0 to 4095
setAllPWM(on, off)
Set the output on all channels
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16,
Parameter: on - 0 to 4095
Parameter: off - 0 to 4095
Returns: null
Disable the output via the OE pin
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Enable the output via the OE pin
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Set the I2C address for the All Call function
Parameter: address
Returns: null
Enable the I2C address for the All Call function
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Disable the I2C address for the All Call function
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Put the device into a sleep state
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Wake the device from its sleep state
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Check the sleep status of the device
Parameter: null
Returns: true = sleeping, false = awake
Invert the PWM output on all channels
Parameter: null
Returns: null
PWM Usage
To use the Servo Pi library in your code you must first import the library:
var servopi = require('../../lib/servopi/servopi')
Next you must initialise the PWM object:
var pwm = new PWM(0x40);
Set the PWM frequency to 60 Hz with a calibration value of 0 and enable the output
pwm.setPWMFrequency(60, 0);
Create an array of pulse duty cycles 25%, 50% and 75%, and a counter variable
var positions = [1024, 2048, 3072];
var count = 0;
Create a timer object and change the pulse width on pin 1 between three values
var myTimer = setInterval(clockTimer, 1000);
function clockTimer() {
// move the
pwm.setPWM(1, 0, positions[count]);
if (count > positions.length) {
count = 0;
Servo Class
The Servo class contains the functions for controlling analogue RC servos using the Servo Pi.
Servo(address, low_limit, high_limit, reset)
Parameter: address - 0x40 to 0x7F. I2C address for the target device
Parameter: low_limit - Lower servo limit in milliseconds. Typically 1.0
Parameter: high_limit - Upper servo limit in milliseconds. Typically 2.0
Parameter: reset - True = All channels reset to default off state, False = All channels retain their current state
Servo Functions
move(channel, servopos, steps)
Move the servo to a new position
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16
Parameter: servopos - 0 to the number of steps
Parameter: steps - Number of steps. Typically 250 for an RC servo.
Returns: null
getPosition(channel, steps)
Get the current position of the servo. Due to rounding errors, the returned value may differ from the set value when steps is above 250.
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16
Parameter: steps - Number of steps. Typically 250 for an RC servo.
Returns: current position
setLowLimit(low_limit, channel)
Set the low limit in milliseconds
Parameter: low_limit - Typically 1.0 milliseconds. Setting the value too low may damage your servo.
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16. If the channel is omitted or set as 0 the value will be set for all channels.
Returns: null
setHighLimit(high_limit, channel)
Set the low limit in milliseconds
Parameter: high_limit - Typically 2.0 milliseconds. Setting the value too high may damage your servo.
Parameter: channel - 1 to 16. If the channel is omitted or set as 0 the value will be set for all channels.
Returns: null
setPWMFrequency(freq, calibration)
Set the PWM frequency. For RC servos this should normally be set to 50Hz.
Parameter: freq - Frequency between 40 and 1000
Parameter: calibration - Oscillator calibration offset. Use this to adjust for oscillator drift. Value is normally between -10 and 10
Returns: null
Disable the output via OE pin
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Enable the output via OE pin
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Enable pulse offsets. This will set servo pulses to be staggered across the channels to reduce surges in the current draw
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Disable pulse offsets. This will set all servo pulses to start at the same time
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Put the device into a sleep state
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Wake the device from its sleep state
Parameter: null
Returns: null
Check the sleep status of the device
Parameter: null
Returns: true = sleeping, false = awake
Servo Usage
To use the Servo Pi library in your code you must first import the library:
var servopi = require('../../lib/servopi/servopi')
Next, you must initialise the Servo object. I2C channel 40, low limit of 1ms, high limit of 2ms and reset enabled.
var servo = new Servo(0x40, 1.0, 2.0, true);
Set the PWM frequency to 60 Hz with a calibration value of 0 and enable the output
servo.setPWMFrequency(60, 0);
Create a positions array and a counter variable
var positions = [1, 175, 250];
var count = 0;
Create a timer object and move the servo on pin 1 between three points
var myTimer = setInterval(clockTimer, 1000);
function clockTimer() {
// move the servo channel 1 to the three positions
servo.move(1, positions[count], 250);
if (count >= positions.length) {
count = 0;