Node.js Library to use with Expander Pi Raspberry Pi development board.
Note: Microchip recommends that digital pins 8 (GPA7) and 16 (GPB7) are used as outputs only. This change was made for revision D MCP23017 chips manufactured after June 2020. See the MCP23017 datasheet for more information.
To download to your Raspberry Pi type in the terminal:
git clone
The IO Pi library is located in the /lib/expanderpi/ directory
The example files are located in the /examples/expanderpi/ directory
The Expander Pi library requires the rpio and i2c-bus libraries to run.
Install rpio from npm package repository rpio with
npm install rpio
Install i2c-bus from npm package repository i2c-bus with
npm install i2c-bus
The Expander Pi library is split up into four classes, ADC, DAC, IO and RTC.
Expander Pi ADC
The ExpanderPiADC class controls the MCP3208 12-bit ADC.
ADC Functions
readADCVoltage(channel, mode)
Read the voltage from the selected channel on the ADC
Parameters: channel - 1 or 2; mode - 0 = single-ended, 1 = differential
Returns: number as a float between 0 and 2.048
readADCRaw(channel, mode)
Read the raw value from the selected channel on the ADC
Parameters: channel - 1 or 2; mode - 0 = single-ended, 1 = differential
Returns: int
Set the reference voltage for the analogue to digital converter.
The ADC uses the raspberry pi 3.3V power as a voltage reference so using this method to set the reference to match the exact output voltage from the 3.3V regulator will increase the accuracy of the ADC readings.
Parameters: voltage - float between 0.0 and 7.0
Returns: null
ADC Usage
To use the ExpanderPiADC class in your code you must first import the Expander Pi library:
var expanderpi = require('../../lib/expanderpi/expanderpi');
Next you must initialise the ExpanderPiADC object:
var adc = new ExpanderPiADC();
Set the reference voltage.
Read the voltage from channel 1 and display it on the screen
console.log('Reading 1 Voltage: ' + adc.readADCVoltage(1, 0));
Expander Pi DAC
The ExpanderPiDAC class controls the MCP4822 12-bit DAC.
DAC Functions
setDACVoltage(channel, voltage)
Set the voltage for the selected channel on the DAC. The DAC has two gain values, 1 or 2, which can be set when the ADCDAC object is created. A gain of 1 will give a voltage between 0 and 2.047 volts. A gain of 2 will give a voltage between 0 and 4.096 volts.
Parameters: channel - 1 or 2, voltage - sets the voltage for the selected channel.
Returns: null
setDACRaw(channel, value)
Set the raw value from the selected channel on the DAC
Parameters: channel - 1 or 2, value - int between 0 and 4095
Returns: null
Set the gain for the DAC. This is used to set the output based on the reference voltage of 2.048V.
When the gain is set to 2 the maximum voltage will be approximately 4.096V.
Parameters: gain - 1 or 2
Returns: null
DAC Usage
To use the ExpanderPiDAC class in your code you must first import the Expander Pi library:
var expanderpi = require('../../lib/expanderpi/expanderpi');
Next, you must initialise the ExpanderPiDAC object:
var dac = new ExpanderPiDAC();
Set the DAC gain to be 1
Set the voltage on channel 1 as 0.8V and channel 2 as 1.5V.
dac.setDACVoltage(1, 0.8);
dac.setDACVoltage(2, 1.5);
ExpanderPi IO
The ExpanderPiIO class controls the MCP23017 16-pin I/O controller.
IO Functions
setPinDirection(pin, direction):
Sets the IO direction for an individual pin
Parameters: pin - 1 to 16, direction - 1 = input, 0 = output
Returns: null
setPortDirection(port, direction):
Sets the IO direction for the specified IO port
Parameters: port - 0 = pins 1 to 8, port 1 = pins 9 to 16, direction - 1 = input, 0 = output
Returns: null
setPinPullup(pin, value)
Set the internal 100K pull-up resistors for an individual pin Parameters: pin - 1 to 16, value: 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
Returns: null
setPortPullups(port, value)
Set the internal 100K pull-up resistors for the selected IO port
Parameters: port - 0 or 1, value: 0x00 to 0xFF
Returns: null
writePin(pin, value)
Write to an individual pin 1 - 16
Parameters: pin - 1 to 16, value - 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
Returns: null
writePort(self, port, value)
Write to all pins on the selected port
Parameters: port - 0 = pins 1 to 8, port 1 = pins 9 to 16, value - number between 0 and 255 or 0x00 and 0xFF
Returns: null
Read the value of an individual pin 1 - 16
Parameters: pin: 1 to 16
Returns: 0 = logic level low, 1 = logic level high
Read all pins on the selected port
Parameters: port - 0 = pins 1 to 8, port 1 = pins 9 to 16
Returns: number between 0 and 255 or 0x00 and 0xFF
invertPort(port, polarity)
Invert the polarity of the pins on a selected port
Parameters: port - 0 = pins 1 to 8, port 1 = pins 9 to 16, polarity - 0 = same logic state of the input pin, 1 = inverted logic state of the input pin
Returns: null
invertPin(pin, polarity)
Invert the polarity of the selected pin
Parameters: pin - 1 to 16, polarity - 0 = same logic state of the input pin, 1 = inverted logic state of the input pin Returns: null
Mirror Interrupts
Parameters: value - 1 = The INT pins are internally connected, 0 = The INT pins are not connected. INTA is associated with PortA and INTB is associated with PortB
Returns: null
setInterruptType(port, value)
Sets the type of interrupt for each pin on the selected port
Parameters: port 0 = pins 1 to 8, port 1 = pins 9 to 16, value: 1 = interrupt is fired when the pin matches the default value, 0 = the interrupt is fired on state change
Returns: null
This sets the polarity of the INT output pins Parameters: 1 = Active-high, 0 = Active-low Returns: null
setInterruptDefaults(port, value)
These bits set the compare value for pins configured for interrupt-on-change on the selected port.
If the associated pin level is the opposite of the register bit, an interrupt occurs.
Parameters: port 0 = pins 1 to 8, port 1 = pins 9 to 16, value: compare value
Returns: null
setInterruptOnPort(port, value)
Enable interrupts for the pins on the selected port
Parameters: port 0 = pins 1 to 8, port 1 = pins 9 to 16, value: number between 0 and 255 or 0x00 and 0xFF
Returns: null
setInterruptOnPin(pin, value)
Enable interrupts for the selected pin
Parameters: pin - 1 to 16, value - 0 = interrupt disabled, 1 = interrupt enabled
Returns: null
Read the interrupt status for the pins on the selected port
Parameters: port 0 = pins 1 to 8, port 1 = pins 9 to 16
Returns: status
Read the value from the selected port at the time of the last interrupt trigger
Parameters: port 0 = pins 1 to 8, port 1 = pins 9 to 16
Returns: status
Set the interrupts A and B to 0
Parameters: null
Returns: null
IO Usage
To use the ExpanderPiIO class in your code you must first import the Expander Pi library:
var expanderpi = require('../../lib/expanderpi/expanderpi');
Next, you must initialise the ExpanderPiIO object
var bus = new ExpanderPiIO();
We will read the inputs 1 to 8 from bus 1 so set port 0 as inputs and enable the internal pull-up resistors
bus.setPortDirection(0, 0xFF);
bus.setPortPullups(0, 0xFF);
You can now read pin 1 with:
console.log('Pin 1: %d', bus.readPin(1));
ExpanderPi RTC
The ExpanderPiRTC class controls the DS1307 real-time clock.
RTC Functions:
Set the date and time on the RTC using a javascript Date object
Parameters: date
Returns: null
Returns the date from the RTC as a javascript Date object
Returns: date object
Enable the square-wave output on the SQW pin.
Returns: null
Disable the square-wave output on the SQW pin.
Returns: null
Set the frequency for the square-wave output on the SQW pin.
Parameters: frequency - options are: 1 = 1Hz, 2 = 4.096KHz, 3 = 8.192KHz, 4 = 32.768KHz
Returns: null
writeMemory(address, valuearray)
Write to the memory on the DS1307. The DS1307 contains 56 - Byte, battery-backed RAM with Unlimited Writes
Parameters: address - 0x08 to 0x3F
Parameters: valuearray - byte array (Uint8Array) containing data to be written to memory
Returns: null
readMemory(address, valuearray)
Read from the memory on the DS1307. The DS1307 contains 56 - Byte, battery-backed RAM with Unlimited Writes
Parameters: address - 0x08 to 0x3F
Parameters: length - Up to 32 bytes. length can not exceed the available address space.
Returns: Returns a Uint8Array type array of the data read from memory
RTC Usage
To use the ExpanderPiRTC class in your code you must first import the Expander Pi library:
var expanderpi = require('../../lib/expanderpi/expanderpi');
Next, you must create an ExpanderPiRTC object:
var rtc = new ExpanderPiRTC();
Set the current time using a date object:
var d = new Date(2016, 07, 04, 10, 23, 00, 00);
Enable the square-wave output at 8.192KHz on the SQW pin:
Read the current date and time from the RTC at 1-second intervals:
var myClock = setInterval(clockTimer, 1000);
function clockTimer() {
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