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ADCDAC Pi Library for C++

ADCDAC Pi C++ Library Installation and Usage

Created 29/07/2024 | Last Updated: 30/07/2024

C++ Library to use with the ADC DAC Pi Raspberry Pi development board.

The example demo files can be found in /ABElectronics_CPP_Libraries/ADCDACPi/demos.

Downloading and Installing the library

To download to your Raspberry Pi type in the terminal:

git clone





Open the ADC SPI bus channel. This needs to be called before using the ADC.


Close the ADC SPI bus channel.


Open the DAC SPI bus channel. This needs to be called before using the DAC.


Close the DAC SPI bus channel.

read_adc_voltage(uint8_t channel, uint8_t mode) 

Read the voltage from the selected channel on the ADC.
Parameter: channel - 1 or 2
Parameter: mode - 0 = single-ended, 1 = differential
Returns: (double) between 0V and the reference voltage

read_adc_raw(uint8_t channel, uint8_t mode) 

Read the raw value from the selected channel on the ADC.
Parameter: channel - 1 or 2
Parameter: mode - 0 = Single Ended or 1 = Differential
When in differential mode, setting the channel to 1 will make IN1 = IN+ and IN2 = IN-
When in differential mode, setting the channel to 2 will make IN1 = IN- and IN2 = IN+
Returns: (uint16_t) 12-bit value between 0 and 4096

set_adc_refvoltage(double ref)

Set the reference voltage for the analogue to digital converter.
The ADC uses the raspberry pi 3.3V power as a voltage reference so using this method to set the reference to match the exact output voltage from the 3.3V regulator will increase the accuracy of the ADC readings.
Parameter: ref - reference voltage
Returns: null

set_dac_voltage(double voltage, uint8_t channel)

Set the voltage for the selected channel on the DAC. The DAC has two gain values, 1 or 2, which can be set when the ADCDAC object is created. A gain of 1 will give a voltage between 0 and 2.047 volts. A gain of 2 will give a voltage between 0 and 3.3 volts.
Parameter: channel - 1 or 2
Parameter: voltage - target DAC voltage
Returns: null

set_dac_raw(uint16_t raw, uint8_t channel)

Set the raw value for the selected channel on the DAC.
Parameter: raw - between 0 and 4095
Parameter: channel - 1 or 2
Returns: null

set_dac_gain(uint8_t gain)

Set the DAC gain.
Parameter: gain - 1 or 2 - The output voltage will be between 0 and 2.048V when the gain is set to 1; 0 and 3.3V when the gain is set to 2
Returns: null